Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Brody's Blessing

Brody's baby blessing was July 5th. It was very nice. Justin blessed him & Grandpa Beesley, Neil Galyans Sr & Jr, & Don Stapp stood in the circle. Justin got teary & when he sat back down he said, 'I'm such a woos." After church Justin ran in & took off his church clothes before I could get a picture of him & Brody together so I waited one more week before I took any pics. Brody's growing so fast - I'm sure glad he still fit in his clothes. Later that evening we had my family over for burgers.


MegiJones said...

Oh he looks sooo sweet. Umm...where was my invite to the big blessing day?? j/k :) Glad it was wonderful. Such special moments... And I can't wait to come see your house the next time we are there! The floor looks awesome.

Kathryn the Great said...

Yeah...I got to meet this kid on Pioneer Day...He's even cuter than his pictures would lend you to believe...which is pretty cute! Good to see you guys!

Brian And Mira Marsh said...

Cute boy! i can't believe how big he looks, i haven't seen him since the first day that he was born, what a sweet boy.