Sunday, August 31, 2008

Eternal Marriage

Justin & I spoke on this today in sacrament meeting. I was glad for the topic because we just had our 3rd wedding anniversary! I'm so grateful to be married to a faithful man who makes me want to be a better person. I'm glad we started out by making sacred temple covenants and that helps us to love each other even more as time passes and as we experience all things together. When studying for my talk I found the story of the silverware & loved it: if you want something to last forever, you treat it differently... it becomes special because you have made it so.


MegiJones said...

Yay! I love all of your new posts! You have lots of fun things going on right now...a house, a brother living with you, photography jobs...I'm happy that things are going well and so excited for everything! I'm jealous that you get to hang out with old friends and wish I could get in on that action sometimes. I'll be home for Christmas...let's please do something!!!

HappyOrtons said...

We really enjoyed your talks that sunday. I had read that silverware story before and I've always treasured it in my heart. thanks for sharing that.
Take care guys and congratulations on your anniversary.
Your friends,
The Ortons!